Buncombe Dems

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Thanks for Attending our BCDP Convention!

Last Saturday, we welcomed more than 250 Democrats and unaffiliated voters to our convention. We thank all who attended, and a very special thank you to those who volunteered in planning, food pickup, registration, setup and clean up -- Julie Montanea, Linda & John Stover, Dana Stephenson, Terri Cude, Jerry Dillashaw, Charles & Shea Drummond-Johnson, Robert & Kathie Kline, Pat & Gary Cole, Kristen Robinson, Joey Melone, and Soren Pederson. Doug Jones kindly spent the day with us to serve as Parliamentarian and Eric Ernst served as our AV & sound crew.

Special thanks also to our BCDP Resolutions Committee Members Drew Ball, Lindsay Furst, Daniel Hervig, and Soren Pedersen. We really appreciated the care they put into planning for our improved resolutions process.  

We had many of our local candidates in attendance and heard an inspiring keynote address by NC House District 115 Representative Lindsey Prather

We also elected the following officers:

Buncombe County Executive Board

2nd Vice Chair - Denise Marecki

3rd Vice Chair - Terri Cude

NC Senate District 46 Executive Committee Members - Ed Kramer and Sheila O'Brien

State Executive Committee Member - Andy Ball

We also elected our delegate roster for the upcoming NC-11 District Convention on April 20th and the NCDP Convention on June 1st.  While not required to attend, having all 331 BCDP delegates gives us the full voting strength for our county at each convention.  Thank you all!

DNC Delegate Deadline is Thursday

We understand there are a number of Buncombe Democrats interested in being elected to serve as District Delegates to the Democratic National Convention during the week of August 19th.  The process for this requires several steps.  Please review this information carefully to have the best possible chance of being elected to go to Chicago this summer. 

All NC-11 Democrats interested in serving as DNC Delegates in Chicago must complete this form no later thanThursday, March 21, 2024 at 5pm.  After completing this form, another form will pop up, and that will be directed to President Biden's team so they can also approve you as a delegate. 

After completing the above forms, please also complete this form, which goes to the NC-11 District Democrats leadership team.  They encourage applicants to submit this on March 22 to allow them time to publicize each candidate.

The election will take place at the April 20th NC-11 Convention at the Ferguson Auditorium at AB-Tech (the same location as last Saturday's convention).  Candidates will be given time to speak for up to 2 minutes.

NCDP's DNC Member Matt Hughes is offering information sessions for people who want to become DNC Delegates.  Sign up here for a session!

Congratulations Julie Montanea!

Julie Montanea was honored as the Buncombe County recipient of the Liston B. Ramsey Award for her service as a BCDP volunteer. Julie has served on the Buncombe County Democrats Data Team for many years and also assists leadership with a multitude of technical skills throughout the year. Congratulations Julie!

Action Item

Join a Phone Bank or do some Canvassing to help our Democratic candidates prevail! People are already making up their minds, and we need to get Democrats and Left-Leaning Unaffiliates excited about the election coming up soon. Your help is needed. 

We can help get you set up for success and a great time speaking with local voters. One great opportunity is phone banking for Lindsey Prather, whose district was gerrymandered to make it harder for her to stay in office. She is critical to breaking the supermajority so Democratic policies and practices have a chance in the North Carolina State House.  Phone bank with her on April 2nd, 6-9pm.

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